Monday 26 March 2012

Indian Middle class – In search of Batman

When I see a mob I don’t see the revolution happening . I try to figure out the face of the next dictator .

You want a batman who would keep flying into the nooks and corners of this country fighting crime and corruption. This batman would have a new name to make sure its brand is disassociated frm the counterfeits. And the name is not Lokpal its JanLokpal.

But the problem is that that this would be Batman is most likely to turn a villain than a hero. And to understand what happens when u give excessive power to your beloved batman I will introduce you to one such batman created about 70 years ago called Gestapo. Now this Gestapo guy had the same powers that this wannabe be brand new Janlokpal wants to have . Just with a few difference.

Before I even start writing this I must clarify that these Jan Lokpal is trying usurp more power  than Hitlers Gestapo.Gestapo had draconian powers,and what we mean by draconian is that it had the right to investigate , frame charges prosecute and judge anyone  as it wanted, and that is what JanLokpal wants.But most stunningly Janlokpal even surpasses the powers of SS and Gestapo that was still not allowed to do so to the head of state and was still under the political leadership.

The fundamental tennet of modern justice is that the same authority cannot be the investigator , prosecutor and Judge at the same time which the Jan Lokpal wants to be .It will become a dictator in simple words without any checks and balances . And such a person or institution will make as much money as he wants from anyone it decides to prosecute.....

And why am I comparing a non violent struggle to Hitlers Germany. Well the answer lies in this:

1.Hitler is Germany , Germany is Hitler . Rudolf Hess -Truimph of Will,Nuremberg ,1933.

2. D.K. Borooah""Indira is India and India is Indira" during EMERGENCY

3."Anna is India and India is Anna"- Kiran Bedi during Anna’s Fast  . Want better clues to arrogance of perceived power.

The way we allow ourselves to be manipulated by media I wonder what Goebbels could have done with Indians if he was so successful with Germans.

You may be very naïve to think that the Indian Elite class faking as Middle class after having won most of the pleasures of life , after ditching the lower classes when their support mattered the most for the upliftment of masses is now looking to rein in the gigantic wheels of capitalism and the forces that it has set in work due to the nature of capitalism. Remember this is the same middle class that supported Indra Gandhi’s attempt to nationalise everything under the sun . The reason was simple then as it is now .Close to people in power then this class knew it could manoeuvre the tentacles of power to get a Sarkari Post . Post Mandal commission and reservations the same class suddenly found that the same “Sarkar” had left exactly half the stake available to the Elite" Middle class" which was essentially upper caste then. The "middle class" was not interested and lent it full support to the modern capitalistic system that we have today

So what is this so called anti corruption  bill against . If you look closely it is not against any kind of stock market frauds .Does it have extensive money laundering clauses. Does it deal with tax evasions by corporatates the answer is no. This is a very exclusive Lokpal which would deal mainly with government and moreover its purpose is to be the Government.  I have not seen any clear cut clause in the JanLokpal stating how it will handle the massive frauds in the financial system or money laundering. It  even doesnt deal with a simple situation where you have been duped under your ULIP plan by Insurance companies . Is this is so called comprehensive anti – corruption bill really comprehensive. The answer is no. And does this Lokpal come into action in Satyam like situation .NO.

Ok so this Bill is there to make sure that your ordinary Traffic Police does not ask for bribe . You are again wrong . The ordinary traffic police in this country never dares to ask for a bribe if you have not broken any traffic rule or have three simple papers . 1. License 2. Insurance 3.The registration papers.You do not have it -  You wont call a lokpal . You will pay Rs.100 since the fine otherwise is Rs, 300/- and or imprisonment.

As a business man I know when do I pay a government officer . Its when my case has got a flaw . When I don’t meet the eligibility. So what is important to decrease these eligibilities and rules and not to add one more institution to whom every everyone has to pay.

This is  not a bill that deals with the corruption that we engage in . And rest assured this is not a bill which will reign in Government corruption.If the CBI and the courts can be managed then rest assured the JanLokpal guys can also be managed. If you think money can buy the Prime Ministers decision then it can buy the decision of any other guy elected or otherwise.Just coz his name is Lokpal he wont be a saint.

This bill is very much about resorting to selection rather than election and Anna Hazaare himself has time and gain said about importance of selection over election . His views about panchayat system are quite stunning . He feels since the villagers are divided into small groups due to election hence there should be selction in Gram Sabha instead of election . The whole JanLokpal is about subverting elections as the genesis of power and selection as the alternative method . Remember this is the favoured method of dictators and monarchs as well. Election poses a problem to status quo.

This is against the very idea of freedom struggle that the power should be in the hands of representatives of people . The difference between India and Pakistan is that while Indians still believe that they are capable of sending representatives who can run the country , Pakistanis allow a super organisation like ISI to run the country. Those who support Lokpal in effect are asking for something worse than even ISI while having the wishful thinking that this will bring 1 crore for each Indian from swiss bank. And mind you even ISI has bright army men running it with deadly effect on atleast its 7 times big neighbour .Its just that they screw their own countrymen as well which is easier to do than to screw it bigger enemy.

Even then If u think that the gentleman named JanLokpal would be an Angel sent from God or a Saint selected by saints , then let me assure he  would be just the ordinary thug amongst us lurking for the opportunity .If you want a nice home , an ipad , a Porsche ,an LED TV then rest assured the JanLokpal guy would have the same ordinary needs of Life . He would be the biggest shark among all sharks going for the kill.You are just fighting hard  to make sure that he has teeth sharp enough to bite u hard.

I just dont respect a mob just coz it public opinion..Lets understand something . Before u judge a mob there has to be two aspects in mind . 1. Whether the methods of the mob are correct . 2. If the cause of the mob is correct .The methods of this mob are perfect with me the cause is what ruins the party . This is the age of the mob . At some places like tunisia and Egypt the cause of the mob was correct . The methods were not passive always but they were not wrong in the given context.

In USA even the Judges are appointed by political parties and the judges are Democratic Judges and republican Judges .But does that mean USA has great deal of problem with law enforcement or cases are pending for 20 years like India . System or no system an honest person is honest. And a practical person is practical.
Already the leaders performing Holier than Thou stunt have been utterly exposed .They are as vulnerable to fudging Bills as you and me . She may be doing it to Run an NGO . Someone else may be doing it for his daughters dowry . I may be doing it for the heck of it .Does it make any difference in terms of Legality and Morality . She has no excuse except saying prove the charges .Well thats the excuse even Kanimozi and Kalmadi have .

Already the people supporting the movement have their Holier than thou stunt utterly exposed .They are as vulnerable to petty cheatings of life that as you and me and the petty traffic police on traffic signal.
Many people are asking me if my slogan shouting is in favour of corruption . My answer is the system that we have created is founded on the basis premise that making money by any means is right. Not even few years ago a triumphant middle class was supporting the movie Guru and Ambani’s corrupt means seemed to be the right means. Today the character of that class has not changed. It is still engaged in every method fair and foul every day to make sure an Ambani Happens to him. It’s just that he has suddenly realised this JanLokpal guy can make sure the cut he gives to government agents is saved.
It’s about costs than about morality. One less mouth to pay …..Just maybe.

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